Lets say you have chosen Add Market Business Post.
This will launch the Market Post form. Please fill out each category with as much info as you can. There are some fields that are mandatory which have a red astrix. If there are any mistakes the form will let you know with an error please have a read and fix the issue. Please Note that when styling your content and features add a Double space after your paragraphs, also if you want to add a youtube video follow the following instructions —>here
**dont sweat it if you need help just send me an email:
I have added lots of fields for your info, and I have added different tabs with descriptions, they can be hard to see make sure you click on them all and fill as much info as possible.
The Market Venue is created by us and the Market Stallholders can be added in the Add Foodies section of the Dashboard.
NOTE: if there are any fields you believe that should be added please let me know. This is for our industry and I have no issue improving and taking on good suggestions.